Annual Water and Sewer Collections and Expenses
Lake Forest Utility District (the District) authorized AEI Engineering, a Baxter & Woodman Company (AEI) to perform a Water and Sewer Rate Analysis to determine representative costs of providing water and sewer services, as well as other general District operating expenses. Using data from the most recent 12-month period (July 2019 through June 2020), the analysis determined representative annual operating expenses for the water and sewer systems; overall administrative and management costs for the District generally were allocated evenly between water and wastewater costs. North Harris County Regional Water Authority (NHCRWA) fees (collections and District expense) were evaluated independently.
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2020 Water and Sewer Rate Analysis
Lake Forest Utility District (the District) authorized AEI Engineering, a Baxter & Woodman Company (AEI) to perform a Water and Sewer Rate Analysis at their regular meeting on July 21, 2020.
Using data from the 12-month period of July 2019 through June 2020, the analysis determined representative annual operating expenses for the water and sewer systems, cost per 1,000 gallons to
produce water and sewer services, water usage by connection type, Equivalent Single-Family Connections (ESFCs) by connection type, and maintenance tax per ESFC. Capital expenditures during
the analysis period were significantly higher than typical years. Therefore, a 5-year analysis was performed using data from 2015 to 2019 to determine the capital expenditure cost per 1,000 gallons of water billed.
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