The Stage 1 Drought Contingency Plan is being implemented at this time due to an ongoing water well repair in the District.
The goal is a 5% reduction in the use of all water and is voluntary at this time. Please conserve water daily under the following guidelines.
- Check for and repair all leaks including sprinkler systems, leaky faucets, and/or running toilets
- Run sprinklers only between the hours of 7 p.m. and 5 a.m.
- Single family customers with even-numbered addresses (or north and west side of streets) water yards on Sundays and Thursdays.
- Single family customers with odd-numbered addresses (or south and east side of streets) water yards on Saturdays and Wednesdays
- All other customers water on Tuesdays and Fridays.
Mandatory measures may be imposed if a water shortage continues.